Hey guys! So Phoenix is well under way, innit? I've done a boatload of things to do, and I still have more things to cross off of my "to-do" list. But I'm getting very excited. The support you guys have given me for this is pretty amazing. I have a lot of plans for this blog, some of which include...
  • Semi-annual writing contests that occur in the autumn and the spring, judged by me
  • Writing advice and help
  • Possibly some fanfiction author interviews (you can suggest authors and questions in an email and I'll see what I can do!)
  • Fanfic recommendations, with a blurb by me

These are by no means the only things I'll do with this blog. I'll also bring up some ideas I have for improving the awards and give updates on how FM is doing. You guys are also free to send in ideas for anything.

Well, I think this is all. Hope you guys enjoy this new FM as much as I do.

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